Yo Country Frost

AQHA pts in Heading, Heeling, Tie Down Roping Sire of AQHA ROM and pt earners

2001 AQHA Mare

Outstanding barrel horse sire

1977 AQHA Stallion 28 AQHA points

1997 AQHA Mare

Stallion Show Record for Doc's Jack Frost: NCHA money-earner Performance Point Earner

1961 AQHA Mare

AQHA Stallion 1946

AQHA Mare 1960

one of the greatest cowboy horse sires of all time, by Driftwood Ike by Driftwood, out of Orphan Annie C (a tough AAA match race mare of much fame, she is by Taylor Made C (3/4 brother to Leo))

1973 AQHA Mare