Mr Dark Jet, si 102, won the South Texas Derby. He is the sire of 17 crops of racing age. 429 foals, 263 starters, 142 ROM, 9 stakes winners, 122 winners of 356 races and earning $1,320,023, including JUST ANOTHER JET, si 108 ($160,270, Brady Springs Derby, etc.), RAVE REVIEWS, si 105, ($147,574, Heart of Texas Summer Futurity, etc.), DARK THRILLER, si 101 ($110,344, West Texas Derby-G2, etc.). He is the sire of dams of stakes winners FAST DEBONAIR, KING KHALID, HOOKS JET, MEGA DARK, JAFFAS, LADY MARA, FABULOUS LEADER, MONTERRY NIGHTS, FOR SISTER, FONTANA BEAUJOLAIS, NATIVE DEBONAIR, SAVONA, ROCK ON RYON, DARK STRAITS.

Three Oh's sired 794 registered foals during his short lifetime. These were earners of $4.8 million from just seven crops to race. His brief life came to and end in 1976 at the age of 10.